Monday, December 7, 2015

Are you ready for some Christmas????

Our schedule is filing up so quickly. It seems every day we add another party, get together or meeting to our calendar. It is such a wonderful time of year. WE love all of our friends and family and spending time together is one of our favorite things, so let the fun begin!!! This post will include several fun Christmas outings…..

First, our Christmas program at church. Have you ever entertained toddlers while they wait to perform? It includes taking group selfies to get them in character!!


Group shots..check out all of those personalities!!!


They all did an amazing job telling others about the birth of Jesus and they humbled me for sure. Not sure there is anything more precious than little ones telling us about the good news.


We also got to see Santa at church after our program. They were so excited he knew their name without them even having to tell him!!! They both did great and asked for several gifts from him…..Naughty or NICE?


Emmy and her biddy Jazilyn after the Christmas festivities.


This isn’t really an activiites but, I just have to show you what my days are like around here,. When we are home, Emmy is in a million and one outfits. Mostly her choosing, but I get so tickled at her combinations. At this moment she is naked with an apron on and reading the bible to Santa………NO WORDS!!!


Then she becomes WONDER princess….always pay attention to the accessories, they mean something to her 3 year old brain.


Then a nun? I seriously dunno, but this has become one of her favorites. A pink dress, with heels, and tiara and a baby blanket donned on top…..HEHE!


We were so busy one day to eat we had to meet daddy for lunch, not sure either of the two minded. They sure take some cute pictures and she sure loves her daddy!



She took selfies all the way to our next stop….Already starting, at 3!!!


Just so you know she has an abundance of dress up… and a ridiculous cute picture of her dreaming about her dress up in her room!


Next we had a parents party on Friday and all the girls brought cute Christmas socks stuffed with goodies for one another. I sure love my friends! We laughed, ate great food and laughed some more! It was a very fun night!


WE also went to the Milan Christmas parade. We met some buddies there and enjoyed all the many floats and Santa's (yes it is plural, because there were 4!! Not confusing at all! )



Here they were before we got them all bundled up!


Such a fun busy time of year, I pray we all enjoy one another and reflect on all our many blessings!