Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Star Student and a little more..

Davis was the key club student of the month for Integrity. Walker and I were both very proud of him and asked him what integrity meant. He responded, “Its what you do when no one else is looking.” Pretty impressive! We are biased but still impressive. I pray this sweet guy always chooses good, despite seeing bad and good.

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This thanksgiving break D was told many times, think before you do. You have to pay attention, and so on. I was cleaning in his Lego closet (I call it his war room) and found this note…I’ll translate for you who don’t have to read 6 year olds spelling….


“God please help me to pay attention to what I am doing. And please give me fruits of the spirit.” A treasure I will keep for ever. God sure has blessed me with a boy that has a heart for him. I pray God fruits over Davis daily, along with wisdom and all the other things a mom worries about. Maybe this was a sign those prayers are becoming his prayers, praise GOD!

The kids needed a craft and so Walker drew a tree and we decorated it…fun activity! Now it hangs on our doodle wall!


Glasses selfie with my girl


Little miss E and Jazz were surprised Sunday morning to see one another and be matching. What are the chances out of the million dresses we both own that we would choose the same one? It happened and these girls were so impressed!


May I never forget their imagination and childhood…


Emmy made cookie wands with Miss Cayla today and she was very impressed with their cooking ability. She told me first we made a mess (the cookie dough), then we cooked it, then we decorated it! HA!


Thankful for the memories!

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