Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's about time!

SO... with everyone blogging these days, I decided it might be a neat thing to do. Davis is six months old and I figured this might be a neat way to document interesting things he does as well as our family memories. IT should be a fun ride so enjoy! It would take lots of time and energy to go back and document our history so I will just make it short and sweet. Walker and I met in April of 2001 at Freed-Hardman University. He had some jolly ranchers and I asked for one and about three years later we were married on May 22, 2009. We were married almost 5 five years before our life changed and our family grew from two to three. Davis Walker Dow Wellington was born March 31, 2009 and what an amazing change he has made in both of our lives. We live in Louisville Kentucky where Walker works really hard so that I can stay at home with Davis. I will forever be thankful that I am able to stay home and make so many memories with Davis. I hope to pass on some of our memories so that we are able to stay in touch with the many people that have touched our lives throughout the years. Hope you enjoy "keeping up with the Wellingtons!!!"


  1. Just realized you started a blog! Yay!

  2. I look forward to reading about my precious son and his beautiful family! We love you all and always look forward to spending time with you.

  3. I LOVE THIS BLOG THING you're doing-I think it is precious-You're making me a proud mom and I LOVE YOU ALL THREE. MIA
