Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Emerson is 16 months

I say this every month and I guess I will continue saying it..TIME FLIES…I cannot believe my “little” girl is growing up so quickly right in front of my own eyes! This has been a big month for Emerson, all ready. She is officially weaned from her momma, and she went on her first trip away from mommy and daddy for 3 nights and 4 days to Mia and Pops house!

She is crazy about her daddy and loves it when he comes home for lunch and for supper at night! I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual. It is all he can do to get his hands on her and give her kisses and hugs!


Emerson is growing and changing so much so quickly it is nearly impossible for me to keep up with her! She will do or say something and I will have no idea where she learned it or who taught it to her! She continues to eat and sleep like a champ. She is pretty much always hungry and will eat pretty much anything she can get her hands on! She sleeps all night and still takes two naps a day when she can get them!



She loves to jump and we know now she is strong and determined enough she can do things at the jump house most 2-3 can’t do! CRAZY! (refer to fun zone post)


She loves balls, babies, outdoors, books, her bible, and Elmo. SHE HATES the car. I mean HATES it! Quite frankly I think we all do when she is in there with us! HA! She is fine if you constantly hand her stuff or allow her to watch you tubes of Elmo, but past that she cries, whines and fusses about riding. She will say out till you want to get her out! AHH!~


She loves people and will find certain people that she cannot stop staring at or saying hi to! She loves to hug and kiss on her terms and she has mastered telling her brother no and that enough is enough!


She is a climber. She will be up on the table, bed, counter before you can even get to her and she thinks it is simply the funniest thing ever! She is too fast for this running momma! She keeps me on my toes and keeps my days anything but boring!


She is definitely in trick mode. She loves to perform and do things we teach her! She can blink, tell secrets, show you her muscles, sing, etc.


She is very independent and is getting really good and communicating her wants and needs via speech, pointing or gesturing. Her comprehension is AMAZING. She can follow 3 and even some 4 step commands. She is so smart. There is no need to sit and practice, in her mind, she has it when you say it the first time! Oh no!



She is so much fun, so full of life, so independent, and we love her to the moon and back! Thanks Emerson for humbling us and giving us to wear our tennis shoes all day long!

COMPARISON SHOTS!!! I don’t see any resemblance! DO you?

17 mo 02517 mo 02717 mo 034

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