Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mr. Independant

Just in the past few days, Davis has become so Independant. Here's a video of him feeding himself with his own spoon and bowl of fruit loops. He has gotten so big. He finished off the bowl of cereal with drinking the milk in the bowl, just like daddy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Carb it up!

Here's a couple pics of us carbing up for the BIG run on Saturday! Oh yeah, and our HUGE sundae that we shared with Erin B and the kiddos! We got our pic made with Jason and man from Kenya running the marathon and his trainer! I am so proud of each lady that participated in the race, hope you had fun girls and I love you all!

He knows how to shoot!

Davis got a basketball goal for his birthday and he Loves shooting. He will shoot just about anything. Check out his video! He is gonna be some kind of athlete! As long as he serves God, Walker and I don't care what he does! We love you Davis WALker!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mr. Friendly

What a sweet boy I have. He seems to get friendlier by the day. He loves to hug and kiss EVERYONE, but especially those he knows and little kids. Of course he will hug pretty much anything if in the mood, such as a golf club, ball, dandelion picker, cup, etc. Today we met some friends down town to pick up our bibs for the half marathon and he was totally turning up the charm. He knew he was pretty cool in his cowboy getup and he was saying hey to anyone that even looked at him. We ate lunch after getting our bibs and he decided he needed some kisses from his bff Cole so he went straight to him and laid one on him. I guess he thought Cole hadn't been kissed enough so he went back for more only Cole opened up and gave him and open mouth kiss. It was too cute. I am cherishing these days when these kisses are cute and not embarassing. He also wanted to kiss Cassidy, my friend Gina's little girl, and she would not have it. He continued to try, the persistent little kissser, and never suceeded but I must say he loves him some kisses and hugs. Little boys steal my heart what can I say! God knew what he was doing when he gave me such a sweet loving little boy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ladies Luncheon

Here's a quick video of WAlker and Davis entertaining the ladies at Ladies Luncheon and Okolona Church of Christ!

Daddy's home and we are BEHIND!!

So Davis and I have been watching Charlotte, my cousins little girl, and here are some pics of the two of them. He loves to kiss and hug on her. He also loves pointing to her eyes and saying "eye" as he pokes her eye. Mommy/Aunt Liz comes to baby C's rescue and doesn't let him get to close!!! Enjoy the pics we took while Charlotte was here. I love taking pics of all my little friends!! Enjoy the video of Davis hitting his ball-of course his daddy taught him this.
Davis loves new foods and here is a video of him eating Cheetoo's! He loves them, wouldn't you say? Cheetoo FACE!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Spending some time with the Hanauer boys is always an adventure. WE had such a great time playing our hearts out. Such good boys! I love them all so much. So easy watching three little ones when they get along so well.

WE had so much fun with the boys, that when they left baby Charlotte came over. What a busy day/week we have had. Can't wait for friday!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do you smell my pretty flowers??

Davis and I planted flowers last Saturday while Walker mowed the grass, so now we water them every morning. I thought I share this experience with everyone, especially daddy. DAvis is such a good helper!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


It is just Tuesday and we have had one of the busiest weeks EVER. Davis is slowly adjusting to Walker being gone, but we can't wait to see him on Friday. THis is a quick video of Davis hanging out in Daddy's office! ENJOY!

Monday, April 12, 2010

DAD...more videos

This week is gonna be sooo long. IT's just monday and Davis would not leave the door alone. I put on his cd that he sings with daddy and it just made him sream and cry for dad! Poor baby always has known what he wants.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

DADDY'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So another week without daddy! We will miss you WAlker, but we will try and capture some of our crazy week without you so you won't miss us so much! You weren't gone an hour and Davis was already pulling on the door handle saying his new favorite word, "DAD" Enjoy our videos! We love you!

Monday, April 5, 2010

1 YEAR OLD-sooo BIG!

Who knew this year would fly by the way it has. Davis has gone from a 9lb 14 oz and 21 inches long little baby to a 24lb 6 oz 31 inches long little boy. I would never have believed such a little (i know he was quite big) baby could change my life the way he has. He has such the personality and is so much fun to be around. Want to first take some time to tell you what he is able to do these days:
*He LOVES outside and is perfectly content with a golf club, dandelion picker or a ball. He rarely fusses outside and loves to open and shut the garage door opener. he also loves waving to cars as they pass and attempts to dogs as they pass on their walks.
*He loves taking showers with daddy, and whenever he hears the water run he immediately tries to get his shirt off so he can get naked!!! At the mention of shower he RUNs to the bathroom and pulls back the shower curtain!
*He says hi, hey, hidee, hot, dada, momom and Da (for davis) consistently and with intent. On a less regular basis he says lala, catch, Da-vis, and other words that he will surprise me and say like one time and never repeat!!! Makes the SLP in me so UPSET!!
*His auditory comprehension blows my mind. I know I am prejudice, but the boy is down right smart. He is able to follow pretty much any 1-2 step command, such as go put this diaper in the trash, take this to daddy, get your ball and give it to Cole, etc. It is so exciting to see him understand AND follow your directions!
*He adores his daddy and when daddy gets home he immediately runs to the door and screams for him! He also loves siting in his daddy's lap and watching his videos on youtube!!
*He NEVER meets a stranger. He will tell anybody hi and really won't leave them alone until they acknowledge him. We went to a U of L baseball game last week and he was very persistent with the little girl in front of us. He wanted to share with her and he wanted very much for her to like him. So sweet. He also loves the nursing home residents. He tells them all hey and gives them that one of a kind smile!
*He loves playing in his playroom and Loves to get out as many toys as he can! Messes are his favorite thing! (guess I got what I had coming-refer to I love messes blog!)
Most of all he is the sweetest little boy I know. He loves to hug and kiss and will lay one on you at the most appropriate times. Davis Walker you are one of a kind and your mommy loves you so much. Thanks for causing me to slow down, and take time for the little things! You are amazing!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hippity Hop. Easter's on it's way!

SO when you live away from all of your family, your friends become your family. WE had some of our friends over for lunch today to celebrate Easter. We loved taking pics of the boys in thier precious outfits! They loved chewing and slobering on the eggs! I sense a easter egg hunt next year! Thanks for the memories and good food Butlers! We love you!


(tried to post this like 3 times already, hope this works!!)
So here's a quick video of Davis enjoying the pool on the deck. Momma will do just about anything to stay outside and watch Davis learn to love the outside! We opened our "pool" extra early just for Davis! He is such a sweet and thoughtful baby-he kept getting out of his pool to water my dead plants from last year and the door mat!! We had so much fun in the sun!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's my party

Davis is a very blessed little boy who is VERY loved. He turned one on March 31, 2010. We had our family down last weekend and had a family party on Saturday and on Wednesday we had a friend party. He got way too many gifts and loved all the attention. He did not however enjoy his cake and getting messy. He loved it when his Mia gave him a plain cupcake without the icing. So thankful for all of our friends and family that got to celebrate Davis with us! We love you all so much and feel fortunate to have each of you in our lives. Davis has brought many joys to our lives this past year and we LOVE watching him grow and learn. I am gonna close with a letter to D from his daddy! (sooo sweet) Walker please don't be mad!!

Happy Birthday, to my sweet little boy!!! Today is a very special day for you. You might not realize it now, but you learn to love 3/31. A year ago today was the day that we first meet you face to face. Your mom and I were so excited to finally be able to see and touch you. It was love and first sight. Your mom had to work REALLY hard the day that you were born. When you are a little older, you will appreciate the story of your birth much more. Davis, you have turned our lives upside down, in a good way. You have reshaped our priorities and have taught us what it means to sacrifice. Thank you for teaching your mom and me those lessons. I have loved every minute that you have been with us. Even the times when you poop thru your cloths, even the times when you seem to cry and whine for no reason, and especially the times when you look at me and put your arms around my neck and hug me. Thank you for being such a sweet boy. Your mom and I are very proud of you. We pray that you will continue to be the sweet boy that you already are. I love you son and am excited about spending many more birthdays with you. Have a great day!!!