Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mr. Friendly

What a sweet boy I have. He seems to get friendlier by the day. He loves to hug and kiss EVERYONE, but especially those he knows and little kids. Of course he will hug pretty much anything if in the mood, such as a golf club, ball, dandelion picker, cup, etc. Today we met some friends down town to pick up our bibs for the half marathon and he was totally turning up the charm. He knew he was pretty cool in his cowboy getup and he was saying hey to anyone that even looked at him. We ate lunch after getting our bibs and he decided he needed some kisses from his bff Cole so he went straight to him and laid one on him. I guess he thought Cole hadn't been kissed enough so he went back for more only Cole opened up and gave him and open mouth kiss. It was too cute. I am cherishing these days when these kisses are cute and not embarassing. He also wanted to kiss Cassidy, my friend Gina's little girl, and she would not have it. He continued to try, the persistent little kissser, and never suceeded but I must say he loves him some kisses and hugs. Little boys steal my heart what can I say! God knew what he was doing when he gave me such a sweet loving little boy!

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