Wednesday, July 28, 2010

one more...

Here's a video of Davis, daddy and Pawpaw playing Frisbee on the beach.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

as if pics weren't enough, here's some videos from our last week or so...

I have been having major trouble putting videos on the blog, so maybe I can get a few to work from our trip to Florida/the wedding. Davis captured our attention when he was awake and we tried to catch some of silliness of video to share and watch ourselves over and over when we miss him! Not sure what we all did for fun before he came along, but we sure never get bored anymore!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Beach

After 9 hours we arrived at our destination: DESTIN! We were so ready for some R & R and sweet memories. We sure made lots of pics and videos to capture as many memories as we could (I took over 400 pics!! in one week!!) Davis was not crazy about the sand on our first attempt, but he quickly learned it was not that bad. He loved shoveling in the sand, watching airplanes, admiring the oil spill workers-even though there was no oil, and eating/drinking on the beach!
Destin memories never to be forgotten:
Davis managed to escape the condo (refer to earlier post)
D met lots of friends, he was especially taken by the ladies (refer to earlier post)
eating watermelon on the beach
feeding the turtles/fish
our many walks around the condo
mr. yogurt face
D's bedroom: aka the bathroom
game night with the Phillip's family
D spilling all the gold fish and none of us watching!!

A vacation would not be vacation without beach pics in kakhi and white, so here are our favs! We cannot wait to put our toes in the sand again! Such fun!

Here are some memories captured throughout the week. Can you tell we had a big time? Davis sure knows how to entertain and when he's asleep the sun and pool/beach aren't to bad at entertaining either!!

The Walker/Poston Wedding

Laura's wedding was an amazing day where two people who loved each other became one. It was also a time when we were able to see lots of friends and family we had not seen in awhile, which was very nice. I took many pics but these are a few of my favorites. We enjoyed the wedding festivities then the WEllington's headed for Destin! VACATION!!!

Gone fishin'

What can I say the boy loves to fish, just like his daddy! Grammie and Pawpaw had someof their land cleared so the pond was in clear view and D loved fishing with his daddy. Sweet memories. Wonder who caught the bigger fish? This pond sure beat having to pretend to fish in the grass at home!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

girls, girls, girls and more girls

why is it my son does not meet a stranger? he tells everyone hi as we pass them. some smile, some speak, some ignore him, but nonetheless Davis continues to speak to EVERYONE. i say all that to say we have met so many children on this vacation. why is it my 15 month old is already into girls? all of the children D seems to flock to are GIRLS. he's gonna be a heart breaker! so today we ended up in a kiddie pool with four girls and me and D. he soaked up all the attention and loved having them at his beck and call. so there is emma, shazey, leah, anna and the list goes on and on. d is loving the beach life and it is definitely gonna be a shocker when we get home and i am the only girl d has to play with.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am outta here!

Daddy and Pawpaw went to play golf today so Davis, mommy and grammie had lots of sun time. Davis went down for his afternoon nap and mommy and grammie just hung out. When Davis woke up I decided to take him to the pool, when we got back we decided to go out for a walk. I got him dressed first and then began dressing myself. While I was dressing D ran into the living room of the condo and I was just saying what we would see when we went outside when the next thing I knew I couldn't hear him anymore. I immediately ran out of the bedroom and I saw the front door open-I was frantic-I knew he had to have gotten the door open so I looked out and there he was going up the other condos stairs. I have a mischievous little man on my hands!! He always keeps me on my toes, so needless to say the condo front door remains locked at ALL times!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

sleeping babies

aren't sleeping babies the most precious thing you ever did see. i sure think so, especially this one. after 10 mins in the car he was out and before we turned in the drive he was already awake. i was thinking to myself this is not gonna be good! almost two hours later he fell asleep and is still sleeping at the moment. i have to say not how i planned our day, but oh well. this makes me think about our heavenly father and how he watches us thinking not how i think you should do things but i love you anyway and we will make it no matter what kind of mess you make. isn't good to know our heavenly father loves us despite how much we mess things up. we get in such a rush to complete our own tasks that we miss alot of opportunities he puts right in our faces.
please help me take time to see what you place before me and may i use those opportunities to bless your name. slowing down is so hard to do, but you tell me life is but a vapor so if i don't take time to serve i miss out on glorifying your name. teach me oh god to take advantage of every opportunity!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We miss you daddy!

Walker left for a quick trip to New Jersey and Davis cannot stop pointing up to the sky and saying air (for airplane) and da! He sure does loves his daddy! Enjoy a few shots early this am. Davis was scouting out the planes, trying to find the one his daddy was on!

Go BAts!

We took Davis to his first Bats game last night, and he loved it. He stayed in our laps the entire time and had so much fun watching the balls, bats, airplanes, trucks and eating snacks with Mia. His daddy is convinced he loves baseball already! WE sure hope so anyway! Davis got really excited during one part of the game and kept jumping and raising his hands and saying Yay, yay-it was too cute. People all around us were enjoying the show he put on!