Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am outta here!

Daddy and Pawpaw went to play golf today so Davis, mommy and grammie had lots of sun time. Davis went down for his afternoon nap and mommy and grammie just hung out. When Davis woke up I decided to take him to the pool, when we got back we decided to go out for a walk. I got him dressed first and then began dressing myself. While I was dressing D ran into the living room of the condo and I was just saying what we would see when we went outside when the next thing I knew I couldn't hear him anymore. I immediately ran out of the bedroom and I saw the front door open-I was frantic-I knew he had to have gotten the door open so I looked out and there he was going up the other condos stairs. I have a mischievous little man on my hands!! He always keeps me on my toes, so needless to say the condo front door remains locked at ALL times!!

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