Thursday, July 8, 2010

sleeping babies

aren't sleeping babies the most precious thing you ever did see. i sure think so, especially this one. after 10 mins in the car he was out and before we turned in the drive he was already awake. i was thinking to myself this is not gonna be good! almost two hours later he fell asleep and is still sleeping at the moment. i have to say not how i planned our day, but oh well. this makes me think about our heavenly father and how he watches us thinking not how i think you should do things but i love you anyway and we will make it no matter what kind of mess you make. isn't good to know our heavenly father loves us despite how much we mess things up. we get in such a rush to complete our own tasks that we miss alot of opportunities he puts right in our faces.
please help me take time to see what you place before me and may i use those opportunities to bless your name. slowing down is so hard to do, but you tell me life is but a vapor so if i don't take time to serve i miss out on glorifying your name. teach me oh god to take advantage of every opportunity!

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