Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dear Emerson

I cannot wait until I can see, comb and play with your hair, but I sure do love your crazy fun strawberry blonde hair  you have right now.

I cannot wait until I can teach you your abcs, 123s, shapes, colors, etc., but I sure do love singing the ohhs with you right now!

I cannot wait to hear your sweet voice sing a song of praise of pray a sweet prayer, but for now I thank my god for you each and every day!

I cannot wait to teach you how to be a lady and let you go on dates with daddy so you know how a man should treat you, but for now I will pray for your future spouse.

I cannot wait to lay in bed and daydream with you about what you want to be when you grow up, but for now I will just lay in bed and hold you while you dream.

I cannot wait to see what you become and mother your sweet babies, but for now I will be the best mother I can be for you!

I cannot wait to see you play with all your friends, especially your brother, for now I am content holding you and letting you watch others play.

I pray I will never rush through a day, a minute or an hour as you grow, but only pray for tomorrow and your future that they will be the best for you! I pray I am your biggest fan, best encourager and most of all a Christian role model for you! I love you my dear one and cherish our memories together!

Daddy holding his kiddos plus Peyton, such sweet babies!

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My sweet children…as Davis calls himself and his sister!

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My mom got Emerson this outfit the day we found out she was a girl and I have dreamed about the day I could put it on her….so I went a little overboard (are you surprised ) and took her pictures in it.

vbs 009vbs 010vbs 015sitting in the bumbo



vbs 019blurry, but her talking!!

She has so many faces, especially serious ones and I can’t erase them so hope you enjoy checking her out!

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vbs 042sweet feet!

vbs 045sweet baby girl

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Davis insisted I get some pictures of him. One smiling, one in the bumbo and one taking a drink…enjoy my little show off!

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