Thursday, July 5, 2012

Emerson is 2 months

Emerson is following right along in her brothers footsteps, she is in the 90 plus percentile in everything! As of today she is 13.10lbs and 24 inches long. She is a fabulous baby, who loves to look around, talk to people and smile, especially at her mommy, daddy and big brother! She is pretty much happy all the time, except when her belly is upset or she is hungry and has slept 8 hours at night (however, is not consistent with her night sleep!! goes from 4-8 hours!) She eats every three hours during the day and takes a nap after each feeding for either 30mins to 2hrs, again not very consistent but flexible and happy nonetheless! We are enjoying being a family of four and couldn’t be prouder of our children!

8wk 0038wk 004

She loves looking in her mirror and playing with the ribbon on the mirror!

8wk 0058wk 006

8wk 009looking at momma…

Can you tell she was talking to her daddy, what a daddy’s girl!

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Getting so big in my bed!!!

8wk 0198wk 0208wk 021

I sure do love some sleeping pictures, she sleeps so many different ways!!!

8wk 0248wk 0258wk 0018wk 002

Oh, just playing with my giraffe!

8wk 026

8wk 1398wk 1408wk 1418wk 142

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