Monday, July 21, 2014

Davis goes camping with Meme and Pawpaw and Emmy gets mommy and daddy all to her self

WE dropped Davis off in Dyersburg and headed home minus one kid. Our car ride was QUIET! WE sure missed our little guy!


He left us this gift so we wouldn’t miss him too much..didn’t work, and made us miss him so much more!


We did lots of fun things while he was gone, including boating with friends on the lake.


Made lots of memories with our little girl…


She even caught up on some sleep..bubba doesn’t love sleeping quite like our angel Emmy-O!


She missed him something terrible and needed to be a firefighter for the day!


We spent some time at toddler hour with some of our friends at Sky Zone!


and we loved reuniting with our sweet DWDW! HE sure is missed when he is away!


He became a jr ranger while he was away and he has not stopped talking about his experience with Meme and Pawpaw! Thankful for sweet grandparents who include him in their plans!

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