Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Stella comes to visit

This girl is now Emmy Nita (her name she calls herself) and her personality blooms more and more everyday! She keeps us laughing and our hearts overflowing!


Such. A. DIva.


We got to see the new fire and rescue planes movie with none other than Mia and Pops this weekend!


This sweet little man can not win for losing. At an attempt all summer to reduce/eliminate naps, this is what I end up with…He loves to sleep, not sure how Kindergarten is going to interfere with his naps!


Stella, her sweet Mommy and Nana came for a visit and boy were we in for a treat! It was so much fun! I sure love Karen and the memories we made together in college and now seeing our kids make memories just makes my heart swell!

The loved playing dress up…Davis also loved having two sisters!


These two stinkers even made a few messes….


We laughed a lot though and made lots of memories!


We ended our fun with a trip to sky zone….



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