Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

We spent turkey day in Dyersburg with Meme & Pawpaw, Pops & Mia, Pawpaw’s brother Mike and girlfriend Sherry and Heather and Kendall. We ate lots of yummy food (thanks to Meme) and had a good day spending time with one another. Lately one thing I have learned is to be thankful for each day, love big and take time with one another. We did just that. Enjoy my photos of my little turkeys….

Kendall, Davis and Emerson just swinging!

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My two biggest turkeys!

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That laugh. That smile. That mouth.

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No words!

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Precious moments with Davis and his Mia. Oh how he loves her!

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Taking a break from pictures to run…

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Mia and her only granddaughter….Melt my heart!

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Mia and the Wellington babies. Look at all that love….and silliness!

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More silliness with Meme….not sure they enjoyed this picture session!! HA! Kendall was a GREAT help!

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Kendall and her momma Heather.

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Pops and his one and only Emmy-O!

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Pops and the Wellington babies.

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Pawpaw and his grand turkeys! Check out all that love and expression!

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Just playing and having fun like little turkeys do…

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Walker got ahold of my camera and took these of d…can’t get enough of this sweet boy!

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It is so easy to get caught up in how things used to be or what could have been, but after much prayer I am concentrating on the here and now. Being thankful and grateful to the one who gives blessings, and counting my blessings daily, not just today. Happy Thanksgiving. In good and in bad times I will give THANKS!