Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Life lately…

Here's a post to catch me up to date…to say life has been crazy wild lately would be an understatement, not sure there are even adequate words for life as we know it, but we are still taking pictures and still making memories!!

Davis brought his Thursday folder home with all 100’s! You know we celebrated this one!


Davis and his team the bears finished out their season of football…now on to BASKETBALL!!


We celebrated our buddy Isaac with a party at Jackson Christian, super hero style!


We decorated two tables at our annual holiday party at skyline…had a blast and won some pretty awesome presents!

holiday partyholiday party 2

Went to family fun fall night at the masons…Here we are enjoying a hay ride with our buddy Jazilyn!


We got to spend the night with Mack…Do you think the kids had fun?


Mack came to watch Emmy at gymnastics…precious buddies!


We celebrated Peyton turning 5, with a unicorn party!!!!


Pops and Mia visiting at our house and soon to be there new state!!


Walker got me a picture of Davis drawn by one of his buddies at the age of 3, so look what I got this year for my birthday, a few months late, but seriously how BEAUTIFUL is she?


Sunday selfies are mommies favorite!


Davis’ teacher had all the parents decorate a feather with why we are thankful for our child..such a fun activity for Walker and I!


Davis celebrated “doing good” day with a trick or trunk at school!


Emmy hit the jackpot after eating pizza last weekend, she won 4 dum dums for all of that!!! UGH!


Walker has taught Davis so many things on their commute to school each morning. He can pray the mans prayer, say the books of the old testament, say psalms 23, etc.…so Emmy and I started stepping up our game in the car…..Look what she knows!

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