Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Nashville Bound

We were so excited to have Davis and Walker a whole week off from school and work that we decided to escape and head to Nashville for a little family getaway! Life in Milan has been anything but boring lately so we headed out on a journey of fun and excitement! It all started with a ride through the hotel in the luggage cart, I mean who can resist that?


We went to the movies and saw the Peanuts movie. The kids loved it, mommy and daddy may have caught a nap? Only briefly but, STILL!


We did a lot of window shopping. The Lego store had this cool screen that would show the built version of the box you were holding and D had to check it out!


We also went to ICE. It was FREEZING! In case no one tells you, you should wear LOTS of clothes and hats and gloves are a must! We did not have any of this and we FROZE!!! EEK! Note to self everything is ICE so be prepared!

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Emmy was the quietest I have EVER seen her until the slides and then she just screamed! She hates being cold and this idea of fun, was quite the opposite for her!


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Davis on the other hand LOVED it and thoroughly enjoyed the slides!!

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So did walker…

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D’s favorite ice sculpture! HA!

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This man was carving a sculpture while we were at the exhibit.

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HA! Check out Emerson’s face! Mercy it was cold!

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When it was over this was their ice/cold face! HEHE

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We met up with Karen and Stella for supper at Chuy’s…These two kept the restaurant entertained!! I’ll let you decide what two!


Then we went on a mission to find Santa….


Got a massage, and checked out the ugly Christmas sweaters on the way…


Played at Bass Pro Shop…rode a horse, caught a fish, and ate it and then….




Bass Pro Shop’s version…


They had lots of crafts and activities so of course we partook in those as well!


It is always a TREAT to see these ladies and we were so sad when our adventure ended, but very happy they made the trek to see us!



When we got back to the hotel, Emmy had some important business to tend to..on the phone, of course.


Tuesday we woke up and ate some yummy hotel breakfast, swam and enjoyed a walk through Opryland hotel.

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These two…

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After lunch and some more window shopping…we headed back to Milan….I think it was a much needed, family fun trip. We even got to see a light show and hang out with Julie, Seth and Myla on Sunday night! Love making memories with my sweet little family!


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