Friday, November 6, 2009

Nursing Debate: Mommy versus Davis

Wow, so we have had one crazy week! Walker being gone, coupled with Davis's ER visit and sickness and Davis not wanting to nurse has been enough to do me in emotionally & physically. He has not nursed since 7am Wednesday and it is Friday-let's just say I am in pain and very frustrated. All he would do Thursday was drink from an open cup, so I pumped. Today he began taking a bottle, so I pumped. We all know pumps have come a long way, but they are nothing like a child, so I was hurting. After talking with several people including pediatricians, lactation consultants and friends/family I decided I was just not going to feed baby D until he nursed. He has to eventually get hungry and eat, right? It was one long hour and a half but I can proudly say I won!! (we well see what tomorrow holds!) Lots of people told me to give it up and cut the strings- to all you negative thinkers, think again. After this experience I wish I had more encourager's in my life. It was amazing that only a hand full of people encouraged me to hang in there and keep trying. I am challenging myself to be a more encouraging person and "think on the bright side" more.
SO excited Walker is coming home tonight. I miss him so much and love parenting with him!!! Next week should be another adventure in our lives. We our taking Davis on his first airplane ride to Chicago! We will hopefully gets some family time in and will maybe even get to introduce Davis to some family he hasn't met yet!


  1. Yea! Your persistence paid off and I'm proud - for both of you. He seems to be a strong willed young'un, but it appears that his Mommy is stronger. You go girl!

  2. proud of you, girl. Hope he's feeling better and next week is fun for all three of you MIA This is coming from Jarrett's computer because we're in SANJOSE, but it really is MIA

  3. Only you know what is best for you and your sweet baby! Good job perservering! I'm so glad you are keeping a blog... it is nice to hear how you are doing! Jay and I were just talking about you guys yesterday... remembering the Christmas dinner at Glendale... :)
