Sunday, November 22, 2009


Okay so we are almost all the way through November and I don't feel like I have even had a chance to sit and be thankful. SO here I am taking it.. I am so blessed and I have many many reasons to be thankful. I serve an amazing God who cares for me ALL of the time, a compassionate hubby who loves me unconditionally, a beautiful sweet baby boy who keeps me on my toes and reminds me daily of pure love, a pair of parents and in-laws that are always there, a sis, sis in law and bubba that are the best siblings money can buy, and friends that go the distance for me daily. Thank you God for my life and all of my wonderful blessings!
The month of November has been one crazy month. TO recap it all we have dealt with an er visit, an ear infection, Davis's 1st plane ride, a week in a hotel, daddy's two week bussiness trip, daddy's flu (which came and went anc came back), insurance saying they wouldn't pay for 90 days!!! I think the Wellington's have had thier share and I am ready for a calm month, so come on December we welcome you (only if you bring peace, that is).
Oh yeah thankful for this blog so I can vent and not feel like I am having to complain to anyone directly.

1 comment:

  1. We have to same blog format LOL. Sorry you guys had a rough month. Praying December brings health and relaxation your way!
