Thursday, December 31, 2009

Davis' 9 month check up!

Davis and I headed to the pediatrician's office Tuesday for his nine month check-up, and as the doctor was completing the exam he checked his ears and told me he had another ear infection. YIKES! I had just told Walker the night before I thought he might be getting one and I should have trusted my mommy instincts cause he definitely had a left ear infection again! The doctor delayed his shots and wants to see us again in two weeks to check the ear. Poor Baby D! His stats are: 21 lbs, 29inches. My big boy!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


What a wonderful first Christmas Davis had! We had eleven people at our house for the holidays and Davis enjoyed every bit of the attention he could get. Being the only grandchild on either side Davis has become quite the entertainer. He is able to captivate everyones attention with almost everything he does. From his smile, to his many different faces to his belly laugh Davis loves getting every one to look at him. The grandparents, aunts and uncles out did themselves with all of their gifts! He loved each one of them and loves playing with all of them in his new playroom!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My first Boo Boo

Davis has done so good with the Christmas tree and all the decorations; however, today he decided he would experiment with the tree. We were singing Jingle Bells while he was shaking an ornament that jingled and he decided to stand up and dive into the tree. I not only had to dig him out, but also had to fix the tree, presents and ornaments that fell off during his dive. He cried only until I picked him up, so I thought everything was fine. We started to sing some more and I looked at his head and blood was dripping down his face. Of course, I freaked out and ran to get a wash cloth to see where the blood was coming from. It turned out there was only a few minor scratches, but boy was my heart racing. We made it exactly one week till Christmas without any trauma..boys will be boys! I am sure we have many more bumps, scratches and bruises in our future!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well it is official Davis starting saying "dada" yesterday and as excited as it made me it also made me sad. I am a speech language pathologist and I should understand and know that certain sounds are just easier to make than others, but as a stay at home mother I guess I just thought mama should be first! HA! Oh well, it is very cute how he says dada and WAlker sure does enjoy seeing and hearing him say it. I guess Davis knows how to get his daddy wrapped around his little fingers. How it happened: Davis was just in one of his talkative moods so I started babbling with him and he just loved it when I said "dada". He preceded to model after me starting with just moving his jaw up and down and then he started adding the sounds-so sweet! I love that boy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sweet Baby Davis

Okay so I get it, it took me having a kid to get it but TIME FLIES!!! My precious little boy will be one year old in only 4 months. Where has this year gone? It just blows my mine that 8 months have already slipped by and my little one is getting so big. Davis has reached many milestones (some way too early) and is growing up right in front of my eyes. He waves hi and bye, he crawls, pulls up and cruises, attempts to walk (officially taken 3 steps), eats solid food, gives five, recognizes mommy and daddy when asked where's mommy, jabbers and laughs constantly, and loves attention. He is my favorite little man and I am so blessed to be his mommy. No telling what our future holds with Davis Walker, but I know I will always love him!!!