Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sweet Baby Davis

Okay so I get it, it took me having a kid to get it but TIME FLIES!!! My precious little boy will be one year old in only 4 months. Where has this year gone? It just blows my mine that 8 months have already slipped by and my little one is getting so big. Davis has reached many milestones (some way too early) and is growing up right in front of my eyes. He waves hi and bye, he crawls, pulls up and cruises, attempts to walk (officially taken 3 steps), eats solid food, gives five, recognizes mommy and daddy when asked where's mommy, jabbers and laughs constantly, and loves attention. He is my favorite little man and I am so blessed to be his mommy. No telling what our future holds with Davis Walker, but I know I will always love him!!!

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