Thursday, September 29, 2011

The story of Emmy-o

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First, I must say I am awful these days about checking email, posting on the blog and even face booking. The moments where I feel good are so precious and I want to spend them with my boys so other things such as housework, etc have been put aside! I can tell you this pregnancy has been nothing like my first and it is hitting me pretty tough. So blessed to have such wonderful friends and family who have stepped up the last several weeks. I have an overwhelming feeling that I am letting people down and I hate it, but I just don’t feel well and I must take care of myself and to be able to take care of this baby! So let me apologize if I have forgotten anything or not done something I might usually do…I am truly sorry! I also must say I am married to truly the best man ever. He has completely stepped up and taken over pretty much everything. My sick time is usually about lunch time on unto the night and he has taken on so many new roles. My love for him seems to grow more and more every hour when he is at home with us. I must also brag on D. He is two and a half and really understanding so much. Waiting till he was a little older has its perks. He is so much like his daddy, it is amazing! Every time I come out of the bathroom he asks if I feel better and constantly brings me his favorite trucks and blankie. He will ask does that truck make you feel better? One word. LOVE! He is so in love with this unborn baby it is unreal. He is constantly kissing my belly and telling me he misses his baby!

labor day 002check out our crazy am hair! LOVE it!

Davis actually told us we were pregnant several days before we found out and luck has it he was right! He told us one afternoon while laying on the couch there was a baby in my belly and it was a girl, he went on to say her name was EMMy-o! WE ask him a lot about if it is a boy and he just says no its not! and we also say what if we don’t call her emmyo and he says yes emmyo is her name! Oh no! Either emmyo is gotta grow on us or we gotta find a better name to replace it if it is a girl!

 baby d is a big bro


Now on to the obgyn appointment. It was very long, but through! We loved the clinic and were extremely impressed with the place and staff. We had our first ultra sound and it was absolutely amazing to see that precious baby. Isn’t funny how some things just don’t get old? Anyway the heart beat was 168 and everyone seems to think it is a girl. WE are perfectly okay with boy or girl and just pray the baby is healthy! I have come to a point in my life where I feel so fortunate and blessed to be able to have another baby that I wouldn’t dare try and ask for a certain sex. Would love to see another boy run around and play trucks with Davis and would absolutely be melted by seeing D tend to his little sister! So to answer everyone's question we are REALLY content with what God sees fit for our lives. May we never become so proud that we think we deserve or need a certain sex…God will give us what we need!


baby 2

Praying for a healthy baby and mommy and very excited about meeting our sweet baby in late April or early may! Due date is May 7, but they will take the baby about a week early since I had a c-section with Davis!

Thank you God for giving me such an understanding and caring hubby during this time in my pregnancy. He has more than met my needs and I am so incredibly proud of the man that he is. He always wanted to be like “uncle”  and I am confident he is meeting his goal in taking care of me and Davis. I am so blessed to have an amazing little boy that loves me and is so kind and tenderhearted to others. I pray this baby is healthy and has a sweet spirit for you. Give Walker and I the wisdom to teach and prepare this baby along with Davis about you and your word. Help us teach both of them it is  important to love and give so that others might come to know you! Thanks for taking care of me and my family as only you know how…the best way!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


We’ve done several craft projects lately and here are some of our favorite and how we are displaying them.

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Davis made a play dough tree. This was his fall decoration. Mommy started getting out all the pumpkins and such and D needed a décor item to call his own. He is currently using it on his play table! I think it turned out really cute.

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I turned a part of our sunroom into a art room for D and he LOVES it! We are displaying all of his work on this wall with twine and tiny clothes clips.

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Frugal girls and one of my sweet friends mom-in-laws gave us this idea. You are suppose to use a canvas, but we just used some of my scrapbook paper since we wanted to hang in on our special art wall!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Silly string, suckers and sour candy!

Our sweet neighbors brought over a treat bag from their birthday party this weekend and Davis REALLY enjoyed it, to say the least! It was filled with tons of Fun stuff for little boys! He immediately found the sucker and it went straight to his mouth! Imagine that! Then his daddy saw the silly string and had to teach him how to use his first can of silly string! We all got a piece of that fun! Then he found the sour candy and being a boy adter his momma’s heart he needed that after ditching the sucker!

29 mo 00229 mo 003 enjoying his silly string and sucker

29 mo 00429 mo 00529 mo 007 the sucker man is so SCARY!

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all of his silly faces while eating the sour candy! WHAT. A. MESS!

Daddy teaching D how to use silly string!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


love little moments with my little man when he completely and totally humbles me. this was our conversation while taking a bubble bath in mommy's big tub.
Me: Davis do you know why Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden?
D:uhmm, ate an apple
Me: yes that's right, God told them not to but who told them too anyway?
D: the snake, the debil
Me: yes, that's right
D: is God here in our home
Me: he sure is buddy God is EVERYWHERE
D: is he in the lights?
Me: yes
D: is he in Lighting McQueen bandaids?
Me: yes, bud he is everywhere remember
D: is he in those pictures (pointing to pics of our family!)
Me: yes
D: is he in the water?
Me: uhh, yes
D: is he in my tractors?
Me: Davis God is everywhere that means he is in you, me and daddy
D: looks at me and says can you take him out?
Me: I said nope he's in your heart and he likes it there!

Sweet sweet moments with my little man. Love helping him learn and explore the world God so wonderfully made. I especially love hearing him sing his favorite song right now it is Tonight's the night (our title..a Toby mac song) and I will never forget the quote from a good friend. A child can know his ABC's 123's, colors, shapes, animal noises, body parts, spell their name, etc, but if they don't know God as a parent I have taught him nothing! Love that my child is so smart and knows all the above things, but am SO thankful and delighted in the things he know about God and Jesus!

Laura and Nick take Davis on his OWN tractor pull

This Friday night my sister Laura and her hubby Nick treated Davis to supper and a date with all the tractors he could stand. They had a blast and he has not stopped talking about how much fun he had. They took several photos and thankfully shared them with me!

t2 Standing on the tracks of the bulldozer!

t3 Driving the four wheeler!

t4 Laura and D getting scooped up!

t5 Nick and D driving the excavator!

t6 Can you see his tractor boots in this one?

tractorTractor time!


Thanks Laura and Nick for such a thoughtful and FUN night! We love you!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

PLAYGROUP: theme bubbles, unintended theme: FIRE ENGINES!!

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Snack time! We ate yummy rice Krispy treats and drank the best lighten McQueen drinks they make1 Thanks Dawn and Heather for snacks and drinks!

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Wyatt and Davis found the swing that they could both fit in, what a pair! I think they liked it, whatcha think?


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We saw a fire engine and fire fighters in the distance and D grabbed his buddies hand and took off, so…the rest of the group ended up joining us as well! My child is obsessed! The fire fighters were on their way out, but turned off the truck and took their time letting us see the truck and all of their fancy equipment. They even gave us a special treat…getting sprayed with the fire hose! This will go down in the history of our playgroup!

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posing with the firemen, minus me!

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Davis gave the fireman fives and fist bumps! He totally thinks he is one of them!

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We’re drenched, but who cares! We got sprayed by the sweet fire fighters and loved every minute of it! Headed back to the park to dry off!

Fair is in the AIR!!


We headed to the Dyersburg Fair on Friday night and boy were we in for some FUN! Davis loved looking at all the lights and sounds and begged to ride all the rides having anything to do with cars, trucks, etc! Pawpaw even showed him how to eat a turkey leg! YUMMY!

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He rode his first ride with Mia, the merry go round! I would say he LOVED it! Look at those happy faces!

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Lala and D went on the lookout for the best rides with TRUCKS!

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We were so worried he might not be able to ride, but he was! Lucky for him he has all that blonde hair!

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He rode the motorcycles like a champ! He had other kiddos parents talking about him he was bouncing and smiling so much! Notice in the video the crazy fan club he had!

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But…Davis absolutely was dumbfounded by the tractor pull! Can you say Heaven for this two year old? He has practiced driving his tractors pulling things ever since! We didn’t get to stay for too much of it, but for the part we saw Davis gave it a thumbs up!


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