Monday, September 12, 2011

I got a lot of catching up to do….Let’s go fly a KITE!

On a whim I picked up a cheap lightening McQueen kite at the store and today with all the wind swirling around we figured it was the PERFECT day! We didn’t have much luck, but it sure was FUN! Davis loved that it had his favorite car on it and daddy enjoyed the thrill of trying to get it flying in the sky! 29 mo 00129 mo 002

Walker definitely got an A+ for effort! Such a sweet and hands on daddy, I couldn’t ask for a better man!

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Next, we headed to the trampoline…only Davis’ favorite thing to do outside! He is a jumping fool!

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Then it was tattoo time! D had so much fun he got two and gave me and Walker one! Sorry no pics of ours!

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