Saturday, September 17, 2011


love little moments with my little man when he completely and totally humbles me. this was our conversation while taking a bubble bath in mommy's big tub.
Me: Davis do you know why Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden?
D:uhmm, ate an apple
Me: yes that's right, God told them not to but who told them too anyway?
D: the snake, the debil
Me: yes, that's right
D: is God here in our home
Me: he sure is buddy God is EVERYWHERE
D: is he in the lights?
Me: yes
D: is he in Lighting McQueen bandaids?
Me: yes, bud he is everywhere remember
D: is he in those pictures (pointing to pics of our family!)
Me: yes
D: is he in the water?
Me: uhh, yes
D: is he in my tractors?
Me: Davis God is everywhere that means he is in you, me and daddy
D: looks at me and says can you take him out?
Me: I said nope he's in your heart and he likes it there!

Sweet sweet moments with my little man. Love helping him learn and explore the world God so wonderfully made. I especially love hearing him sing his favorite song right now it is Tonight's the night (our title..a Toby mac song) and I will never forget the quote from a good friend. A child can know his ABC's 123's, colors, shapes, animal noises, body parts, spell their name, etc, but if they don't know God as a parent I have taught him nothing! Love that my child is so smart and knows all the above things, but am SO thankful and delighted in the things he know about God and Jesus!

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