Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fun day with Jaliegh

We had such a fun day with Jaliegh today! She kept us entertained and she could totally follow with Davis’ wild imagination so it got mommy off of imagination duty today! We did so many fun things!


First we had a band…

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Then we were pet owners…

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then we needed to play some basketball..

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J really loved her dog!

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then it was time for a snack

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then we needed to build a farm for all of our animals

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then we needed to work out..ha

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then we had some snuggle relaxing time

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then we were scientist and found a rock to paint for EASTER

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Sissy woke up and the outdoor fun really started!

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I LOVE her

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so does her bubba

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she loved the rocks

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and jaliegh was a vicious pirate! ARRGH!

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CRAZY hair

What a mess! I love going to get Emerson after she wakes up, because you never know what her hair will look was my favorite!

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Story hour..Easter Egg Hunt

Davis and I used to attend story hour religiously prior to Emerson’s arrival and even some after she arrived, but we have not been in FOREVER and decided to attend today! It was the egg hunt and boy did they have fun! Davis and I made baskets for them and he was so excited to help Emmy on her first egg hunt.

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Emerson was pretty impressed and really only needed one egg..I promise she loved it, she just had a hard time showing me!

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She was too cute, held her basket and went to town…she was the smallest one our there!

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Davis had a big time and he was so proud of his sister!

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My two bunnies!

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One sweet girl gave them some of her eggs, how precious!

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Taking it all in…there were SO many children!

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Their loot…well, Davis’ loot!

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Emmy just wanted her basket and an empty egg to be happy!

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A sweet lady asked if I wanted my picture with them..sweet moments!

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This was me last year….with my babies..whew, I was much more comfortable this year..although it was much colder! HA!

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We went inside after the hunt to show sissy the kid room…she LOVED it!

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We sure did have some fun hunting eggs, listening to Easter stories and seeing all the other children…

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