Saturday, March 23, 2013

Facebook Diet…soap box Saturday

Well, it has been an interesting time without Facebook in my life, but I must say I have learned so much from this diet. I am not much on diets (food), I would rather exercise and work off what I want to eat, but this one has been so beneficial. I challenge you to in some way take a break from social networking, if you DARE!!

Here is what I have learned…

It is so unbelievable how much more time I have with my friends, family, kids, spouse and my Bible Studies, I guess I never knew how much time could be wasted online. It has been a very healthy diet. At times I know I am bothered with am I doing enough, am I a good mom, spouse, friend, etc., do I cook healthy enough, the list could go on and on and FB can make those thoughts turn into worries and burdens really quickly;y! No one puts their bad/ugly moments on FB, only their best and sometimes if in the wrong mindset that can cause me to think “I wish…”

I have also worried less about what others think, are doing, saying…and just kept up with me and mine! Sometimes it’s just best to take care of what's yours instead of worry about everything else that is going on…

I have not had to say hold on a second, because I was looking at FB, instead of doing whatever was needing my immediate attention.

I am definitely behind on who went where, with who and who said what, but guess what life has gone on and I’m still living to prove it! I thought I would miss that but nope got too much going on here to even think of missing it.

I love the looks I get from people when I tell them I gave up FB for lent. They say your not catholic, or that’s weird, or why or what did walker give up? Guess what I gave up FB for me and honestly to see if it affected me any and that’s really all that matters!

Did you know FB will send you MANY emails about not checking your page and telling you that you have so many messages, friend requests, etc., etc.…I would laugh to myself every time and think it’s like the devil trying to tell me I still need it and I should really check to see what I might be missing…NOPE, not going to do it! EMAIL DELETED!

Yes, I will be getting back on FB after Easter, but I will tell you I will do so in a much healthier manner, and I will occasionally take breaks such as this one to keep me grounded in my FB viewing. I encourage you to do the same and just be more conscious of how much you view, and how much stock you put into social networks such as FB!

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