Sunday, March 3, 2013

Emerson is ten months

Are you kidding me…she is ten months? What, when did she get so big?

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Our newest and biggest accomplishment..she is walking!

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Pictures with big brother in the bed have taken on a whole new meaning…she is too busy!

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Seriously, this was the best we could do….

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She sure does love laughing at her bubba!

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She sure loves wrestling with her bubba, but when he brings the heat she pulls his hair or cries…she knows what to do at such a young age!

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She still loves her pillow..and look at that hair…what a mess!

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Anytime she is left alone, if she is not getting into something that she shouldn’t she will be found reading books…she loves them, especially the ones she can feel something on the pages!

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She and her bubba are the best of friends!

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But, she really does not need anyone to be happy, and so content!

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Now, that’s the way she likes it…she likes her personal space!

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Big brother needed to pose a picture and this is what he chose for  them to do…what a ham!

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She loves to walk and hold something..maybe it helps her keep her balance!

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Miss Emerson has so many faces!

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Davis at ten months!

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Emerson is growing and doing so much these days.

She eats ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING she can possibly eat without a single tooth, yes still NO teeth! She nurses three times a day for about six minutes each time, and rarely drinks any other time! She loves water from a straw from mommy or the occasional sippy drink of water, but seriously can leave it! Such the opposite of Davis, he always hated eating and loved drinking! We might have some issues with this one weaning and using a big girl cup! y

She sleeps amazingly! She still thrives on two naps a day (about two hours each) and sleeps 10-12 at night! She can definitely miss one every once in a while or take a catnap on mommy if in a pinch, but she sure loves to snuggle up with her blanket, pacifier and pillow. Yes, she still has her pacifier, only at nap and bed times though!

She loves reading books, singing songs, playing in her brothers room, going up the stairs, getting into places she is not suppose too (although this is getting much better!), facetiming with family, riding in her big girl car seat, eating and pretty much anything as long as she is with mommy. (totally a mommy’s girl) She lights up when she sees her daddy and makes this daddy face that is hilarious! She loves to say dada, bye-bye, hi, and shhhh. She blows her food when it is too hot, waves hi and bye, shows you bow big she is, loves to clap and be clapped for, and will cuddle with you for days!

She is wearing clothes that are 6-9 months, wearing size 3 diapers, and wearing a size 2 or sometimes 3 shoe.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I could just hold her in church and she was so content. I miss that but I do love her being big and hugging on me.
