Saturday, March 16, 2013

KY visit

The kids and I decided it was time for a trip to KY so we headed up there Monday and spent most of the week getting Pops and Mia loving and came back to TN later in the week. It was great to be with them for a few days especially since Emmy isn’t feeling herself with another ear infection. I got some much needed help, rest and a wonderful visit with a dear and precious bestie Emily!

They have this amazing church building near mom and dads that lets children come play for free during the week and Davis enjoyed this playhouse several times between myself and Mia. I maybe enjoyed it too…check out the videos! Made me really wish we had a place like this open to kids to run and play on cold/rainy days!

Davis was awesome at the hang glider thing.. 

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The ropes course couldn’t even trip him up…

march 013

Slide face

march 014

Momma’s boy..I’m enjoying every minute of this!

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Look at this ginormous ball!

march 018

SLIDE time

march 019


Memories with mommy! PRICELESS!

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Look what we built!!!

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the cutest, handsomest, smartest boy I know!

march 025

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