Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Emerson is 14 months


14 MONTHS OLD! Say it isn’t so? Seriously, time is flying and I am so glad I am keeping this blog with pictures and memories, because time just does not stop for anything! Emmy is at such a fun age and we are having a blast teaching her new things and watching her do things she has never done before! She is talking more and more everyday and understanding so much! You can tell her to go get her shoes so we can go out and she will bring you a pair of shoes, wait for you to put them on and stand at the door! SMARTTY! If you ask if she wants to go play upstairs she will head to the stairs and wait on you to join her! She loves pointing out everyone's facial anatomy..eyes, nose, mouth and ears and can say them as well! She really hates it when I wear my glasses when I “night night” her so she will remove them..I couldn’t figure out why and then I kept watching and paying attention (she never touches them through the rest of our day) they hit her when we hug and she wants our faces to touch when I sing to her and hug her so that’s why they must be gone! Pretty sweet and smart, if you ask me! She is listening so much better now. You can tell her wait, or no mouth, or sit, and she will obey! (most of the time)

Here is Emerson in her Bible class..She loves it! Such a different baby than Davis..she does NOT cry when I leave and loves to pat her Bible and learn new things! 


Emerson LOVES to dance, and Loves watching you tubes of music, especially music with Elmo! Here daddy is calm enough to do this with her and she definitely knows who to take the I pad to when she just wants to sit and sing, but when she is ready to dance she knows where to find her momma! Emerson also LOVES books and she can entertain herself with them for long period of time! She has been known to tear the popups or flaps occasionally but I just love her genuine appreciation for a good book!

Ignore the momma, and catch these moves! GET IT!


Loving her BOOKS!


EMERSON adores he big brother and seriously is calling him in the mornings if he has not greeted her after her milk. She loves his room, his toys and him in general and loves having him around. However, she will tell him when enough is enough (fuss at him) when he smothers her with his big brother love! He is learning to back off, but he too can not get enough of his little sister! HE says but mom her skin is just so soft!

THESE two are two peas in a pod!



Sleeping: She is still a champion sleeper! She takes a morning nap (2 hours) and an afternoon nap (2 hours) and sleeps about 10-12 hours at night

Eating: She eats really most anything, There is really nothing that she has ever refused, She is picky about how you give it to her sometimes but not sure I can complain about that! Sometimes she is happy for you to feed her other times she wants to do it herself with her fingers or a utensil! She is done to one “mommy milk” time a day (morning) and we are both doing well with that transition! She is doing much better with a Sippy cup and prefers the ones with straw tops!



Some comparison shots of Davis and Emerson


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Emerson you are a mischievous, busy, destructive, ball of energy. You keep us on our toes and aware that we need to stay fit in order to keep up with you! You can entertain yourself for long periods of time, but we just never know what you might entertain yourself with! You have a strong personality that is mostly sweet but can be so sassy when you feel like it! You are communicating so much with us these days and we love watching you grow and change! WE are so blessed to have you in our lives and even more blessed to call you ours! WE love you little girl!

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