Sunday, July 28, 2013

Grady Mack is HERE!

Laura and Nick had their sweet baby boy last Friday and he sure was a BIG bundle of cuddly joy! All 10 lbs. 12 oz. of him! WOWSERS! Being an aunt is a great role for me! Lots of baby time and none of the hard work!

Some sneaky shots from my camera during his first photo shoot…don’t be mad Beth!


Some of my shots with the mack daddy!


Sweet Mack, I pray you come to know Jesus at a very early age and always keep a strong relationship with HIM. You have such sweet Godly parents who will teach and exemplify him everyday. Ask questions, study and pray to have your own love relationship with him.  I promise to always be here for you, do FUN things with you that only AUNTS can do and teach you things that only AUNTS can teach! I love you as my own boy and will always be here for you. NEVER forget it! I hope you and Davis and Emerson have a strong cousin bond and that you are as close as can be. Please be patient with all of us, we all mess up and we will disappoint you but we promise to always say sorry and learn from our mistakes. You remember this and it will get you a long way. It is ok to mess up just say your sorry and learn from it. Be good to your mommy and daddy let them sleep, a little, when your young and don’t stay out too late when you are a teenager! Tell them you love them and always be little enough to kiss them! We can’t promise you a life time of riches, health but we can promise to always love you! I am so proud to call you my nephew and even prouder to be your aunt! On the day you were born you gave me that title and I will not take it lightly! I love you sweet boy!

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