Monday, July 1, 2013

A trip to the fire station

WE love fighters at our house, so today we spend some time at the Jackson fire department with Mr. Matt, our neighbor and friend! He handled Davis’ nervousness, excitement and millions of questions like a champ and Davis has not stopped talking about our day!

Here he is getting a tour of the station…

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Emerson especially loved the workout room!

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Mr. Matt showing D what spots they were responsible for..

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This is where they keep their equipment when they are not on duty…

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Mr. Matt explaining about the pumper truck..

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Emerson listened very close..and had to touch each and every nozzle on the truck!

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Davis..took it all in!

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She just couldn’t stand not to be working on something!

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Finally, the spot he couldn’t wait to be…

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Testing out their driving skills!

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This is firefighter Davis, come in…

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My little man is so PUMPED!

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My little girl, loves all these things to touch!

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Posing by the truck…

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Watching Mr. Matt put on all his gear!

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He is so proud to know Mr. Matt, and by the way this coat is HEAVY!

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Listening to the sirens and watching the lights!

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Too loud!!!

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Emerson checked out the truck one more time…

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and the water spout…

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Thanks Mr. Matt for being so sweet and showing us around your fire station. We loved our tour and cannot wait to come back and do it again! You made sweet Davis’ day and for that I am forever grateful!

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