Monday, September 22, 2014

A week in review

Story hours theme was fall and leaves…


so glad miss ella came with us…


This is what happens to this boy midweek after school for a couple of days…poor guy!


Fun times at gymnastics, as always, stretching our legs out!


Janet and Matthew wed

The day has finally arrived for the “I do” and I could not have been happier to stand next to my beautiful friends and celebrate them and their special day! From the décor to the attire everything was top notch and looked amazing! The day went very smoothly and every detail was perfect and so Janet!  She had an amazing photographer so I never even pulled my camera out except for my phone… I pray God’s richest blessings on these two!

Prewedding and dress


Don’t ask..Let’s just say the dresses were very deceiving and very tight!


The chillaxing bride!


We are finally dressed!


It’s bright out here!!!


It is go time…





The dancing at the reception…



Monday, September 15, 2014

Introducing Davis Wellington…August Student of the month for Mrs. Penny’s class

Davis came home with a BIG title today, student of the month! We are so proud of him! We celebrated big tonight!

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First, we stopped at Wal-mart….and got a treat!


Then we headed to the PTO meeting where they acknowledged him and all the other students of the months in each class. Here you see Emmy very excited about her brothers award…she met a little boy and they began exchanging numbers! HA!

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He got a special award and a hug from his favorite Kindergarten teacher! Mrs. Penny has stolen his heart and he adores her so much! I pray for this sweet lady every day! I know leaving your own kids to teach other peoples children must be tough and she does so well at loving her sweet students, teaching them, and being patient with them!

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The proud student of the month!

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Posing with daddy and emmy…

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My boys…

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The second boy who stole my heart! I love this kid!

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Riding very excited with his special piece of paper!


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Awards do not mean much if you are not a sweet person who lives up to the award. I pray Davis acts and lives as though he is student of the month every month. I pray he makes wise choices, sees good and bad and chooses the good, teaches others, is compassionate to others and loves the unloved and most of all radiates Christ love to others. He has become so wise in his 5 1/2 short years and he humbles me daily with his zeal for others. Continue being a leader sweet boy and lead others to what matters most, not awards, fame or fortune but to HIM and then you will receive the best reward of all! We love you Davis Walker Dow and you make us so proud!