Monday, September 8, 2014

Connect Retreat

We are so blessed with an amazing church family who is led by the most compassionate loving elders. They pray over us on a weekly basis and constantly take care of us the way God intended. Organizing this retreat for our family to get away, see HIM, encourage and build relationships with others in our church family is what this weekend is all about! My family looks forward to our time at Victory Ranch and Davis is already asking when next years retreat is!

The Emmy duo…

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Emerson and Zoe…they love being two!

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Can you say deer in the headlights look..ha! Right before the bonfire and smores!

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Football time before bed, just so we are nice and sweaty before we crawl in the sheets! HA!

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SMores taste so much better with daddy!

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The rock climbing wall was a family affair, even if Emmy only wore the helmet! Davis was so incredibly determined to climb to the top. Mommy and daddy attempted it as well…this year, unlike last year, none of us made it to the top! Oh well, there is always next year!

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Watching people of the BIG swing, entertaining nonetheless, even if none of us did it!

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Saturday afternoon a HUGE storm came through and somehow a couple of us got trapped in the metal building that housed all the life jackets…it got pretty entertaining then we all made a run for it!

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These three precious dolls all rocked the same swimsuit! Smart mommas! HA!

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Alison was able to take Stephanie down after Stephanie told Alison to be a good example, ha!

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The on lookers…

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Finally the storm moved on and we got to play on the slide, and zip line….

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I still cannot believe my 5 year old wanted to zip line across the lake..I won’t tell you who was more scared!

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Sunday Jeff asked the kids to draw Jesus…very entertaining and interesting….

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More random shots from my phone from the weekend…







Such a fun, exciting, uplifting weekend. So glad to be apart of the skyline family!

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