Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Weekly review

When Davis was two he was obsessed with letters, especially the letter s. He could spot an s very quickly on signs, books, etc. Emmy loves numbers! She counts EVERYTHING!

Emerson doesn’t know its too hot to walk her baby….these temperatures make being outside MISERABLE!


We thought we had found a gem for our little firefighter…it did not work properly so we had to return it….Davis was not too happy!


My kids make messes, but they know how to clean up when they are finished!


School days are rough on this sweet angel…poor guy looks like this if we drive any further than our house…


Davis’ sweet friend Hudson turned 6 last week and we enjoyed celebrating with him at Chuckie Cheese!


Blessed to be called momma each and every day by these two angel babies!


WE had lunch with this cutie on Sunday. Mr. Grady Mack is too big and such a handsome little man!


My little man loves to study and do his homework after school….good thing I have extra homework on hand, he does his homework for the week on the first night!!!


Emerson has fallen head over heels for gymnastics. She asks to go every time we get in the car. SHE LOVES IT! She is especially glad her buddy Tinley started!



My hubby of 10.5 years celebrates year number 33 today! What a sweet, kind, gentle, loving man I am blessed with! He radiates love and gives like Jesus, WE are so blessed he is OURS!


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