Thursday, January 15, 2015


January is almost half over and brr it has been cold! TOO cold, unless there is snow, of course! Anyway Walker enjoyed some great duck hunting this month and one morning I took D to school so Walker could hunt. I was humbled at their routine and it made this momma take a step back. My child is growing up so fast into such a sweet man of God. This is him walking into school after praying for God to make him a man. He asked me when I was going to say my prayer about making me a women and I was crying so I told him I do it every morning and I would have to do it soon. Whew, this momma could not stop the tears!


Davis loves his newest adventure of playing basketball and he sure loves his “coaching friend” aka Jackson. They have become big buds over baseball and now basketball and it is so cute watching them grow their friendship.


The BIG game…


Hugs from his loudest cheerleader!


We found another one of his classmates playing and we had to sneak a picture!


Little miss is SO into dressing up these days, she is almost never Emmy or Emerson anymore, but rather Sophia, Ariel, Elsa, etc, etc.


She even cleans when she is in character!



Along with dressing up, she loves to accessorize. This includes jewelry and wintery things. Such a stylish little diva!


I had the privilege of teaching Emmy’s class with one of my bff’s and besides not seeing the curriculum till literally the moment I walked into the classroom we had too much fun with these precious princesses made by the one true king!


These two brighten my day with their tiny or big adventures and keep motherhood so much fun and full of joy!


When Mia has several days off Mia comes to visit..we’ve got the best mia EVER! So much fun with Mia around!


Jack and Emmy were instant buddies with their mommas being such good friends. I sure love having great friends with sweet kiddos!


Davis is reading and I just love to sit and watch him do so. He got stuck on a word in this book and when watching himself he kept saying Davis the word is peg, you can do it. Such an encourager even to himself! HA! Blessed to have a GREAT kindergarten teacher and grandparents and aunts and uncles who keep him well versed in books!


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