Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Praying over 2015

This new year means many new things. Walker and I have discussed and made our plans for the new year and I could not be more excited for 2015. We already have dates booked for things like Disney, a Lego exhibit, and and many more, but I am more thankful and excited about sharing a spirit lead year with my spouse. One site I am on encouraged us to pray over our family and this is just what this post is…


This is my prayer for 2015 for you sweet boy. That your joy for life grows bigger and bigger this year. That you share Jesus with everyone you are around and others see him in you. I pray you continue to see those who are unloved and share some of your sweet spirit with them. You have such a tender sweet spirit and you care for others in a way that everyone appreciates and notices. Your smile is radiant and draws strangers to you, always use this precious gift to glorify him. I pray you learn more, play hard, remain compassionate, and love unconditionally. You my sweet first born are a gift to your family. There is no one quite like you and I pray you always remain the sweet Davis Walker I fell in love with on March 31, 2009. This my precious son is my prayer for you in 2015.

My prayer for Emerson in 2015 is that she continues to desire to learn more through Bible lessons, stories and prayer about her precious lord and savior. I pray that I can be a Godly example to her as I am with her throughout her day and that she humbles me daily with her love for others and HIM. God please use Emmy for your good, in whatever ways you have planned for her. I also pray the same thing I have prayed for Davis for years now for Emmy, that she not only sees good and bad but that she chooses the good. God give her wisdom beyond her years for you and create in her a heart that desires you and you alone. My precious sweet "angel baby" this is my prayer for you!

My prayer for Walker in 2015 this year is that he grow in Christ, so that he can continue leading our family in such a Godly way. I pray this love for Christ grows in his relationships with our family and friends as well as many others.  I pray that he is able to direct us when we don't want to be directed and love us when we are unlovable. Give him wisdom and strength in the daily grind and give him self worth that is far more than what this world can offer. Allow me to help him when he falls and God give him the strength to turn to you in the midst of storms where your face might seem distant. Allow him to be the Godly father that you expect and are proud of. This my sweet soul mate is my prayer for you.

My prayer for myself in 2015 is that I get stronger in EVERY facet of my life. Cliché as it may sound I pray that I may deepen my relationship with Christ and make him first in ALL that I do. So that I may consider Him in even the mundane and the fascinating. I pray I learn his word and write the words not only on my heart but in my everyday actions. I have been challenged and am challenging myself to learn a new verse every two weeks this year so that I can hopefully know my God more closely and live his word to the fullest. God you have extended such grace and mercy to me, please give me the wisdom and strength to do the same in my life to others as well as myself. May I move past my shortcomings and strive to be the best spouse, mother,  sister, friend, daughter and stranger that you know I can be. God you know me, I desire to know you in more ways than I can imagine this year. When I fall and mess up please pick me back up and remind me of my true desire.

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