Friday, February 6, 2015


Saturday morning basketball games are so much fun, so glad Mack came and watched last Saturday! COUSINS!


I am so lucky to be this cool girls momma and partner in crime 7 days a week, she keeps me busy!


Tuesday is NASTICS day and these two make it tons of fun!


LEGO ice, can you see it? Emmy was not impressed with the “coldness” haha!


Corn starch, shaving cream and food coloring, is a recipe for success and a HUGE mess. Messes are fun though, so we embraced it!


My sweet friend sent us some jam berry nails, they look so cute. They were off in less than five minutes, maybe a error on my part! Miss E was not happy about it!


We love craft time and we want some snow so we made these little Olaf's to hopefully bring some snow our way soon!


Open gym on Fridays, because we cannot get enough gymnastics in our life!

open gymopen gym1

This super hero lights up my life. He is so precious even without the hero costume!


SUPERBOWL with our small group was such fun. We are blessed to have such a great small group family!


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