Friday, February 6, 2015

PRAYER, it’s a powerful thing!


One of my most favorite things about our church is that we PRAY…a LOT! They encourage prayer so much that we have at least 3 to 4 songs dedicated to praying with our church family during worship. Praying with my friends, my elders, strangers, visitors, etc , is one of the most powerful things I have ever been a part of. These particular pictures were captured by my sweet friend while I was praying over another sweet friend who was working the nursery. She had some major life changes and even though she wasn’t in assembly I wanted her to know she was on my heart and in my prayers, so I went and found her as she served. The most precious part about this was her son saw us and ran up and wanted to pray with us…at not even two he realized his momma was hurting and he wanted to join in…if at ever you wondered or question God’s love for children moments like this cause aha moments and put everything in perspective. Not used to getting my picture taken while I pray but I really loved these pictures of us in the moment and wanted to share how awesome prayer is. I hope that you go to a place that encourages prayer, especially between you and your church family. It is such a blessing. Praying isn’t always easy with others especially if you are worried you don’t know what words to say, but the holy spirit that lives in side you guides you and some how some way prayer is never a mistake or messed up. Try it, pray with a friend, family member, someone who needs a little extra love….



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