Monday, March 9, 2015

A week in the life of the Wellington’s

Lately Emmy has become even more of an entertainer and will even let me capture her performances on camera. Enjoy as she entertains you..this girl always has a trick to perform!


On this particular fun night we grabbed dinner at a local restaurant and she made this mean monster face…bless her she is just too sweet to be MEAN!


We continued the night at a fundraiser. It was a basketball game (kind of like the globe trotters against local celebrities.) The kids laughed a lot and we had a blast watching them smile.


When we got home Emerson entertained us with a MemeMia song…of course her meme and mia thought it was a perfect melody!


Wednesday we headed to the local library for story hour, and this the face I got when I told her we might get some snow…she doesn’t like the cold weather!


She loved hearing all the Dr. Seuss books and she even tried green eggs and ham. She immediately said it didn’t taste good!


We visited Davis for lunch, it was wacky hair and dress day so that is why he looks so WACKY!


The snow and ice began to fall and with Walker going out of town we headed to Dyersburg. We got to meet the newest family member , rooney, so the kids were SO excited! Rooney is Lala and Rob’s new dog and I’m pretty sure he will never be the same after meeting the kids!


We started getting a ton of ice so momma decided to bring a little in to play with before bed time. The kids loved it, especially Emmy who didn’t have to get all bundled up! HA! Panties was all she needed! HA!


We had to doctor Meme before we could head to bed, she was such a great sport and handled all the x-rays, surgeries, shots, etc like a champ!


The next morning we woke up to this!!!!


Emerson handled it for awhile but quickly gave up and headed inside with her Meme! Davis and I were having too much fun to head in and we continued to play till my toes were numb! HA!



the drifts were crazy tall in certain places…


Our pitiful sled…



Our attempt at a snow man with a Davis head..the snow was really powdery, in our defense and would not stay put!


When we came in we had some rosy cheeks so hot chocolate was a MUST!


A little marshmallow for that hot chocolate anyone? CHEERS!


We relaxed after our snow adventure and took in a movie on Meme and Pawpaw’s chairs!


Emerson quickly got to entertaining….she has some kid of moves!


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