Sunday, March 1, 2015

PALS Basketball fall/winter 2015

Saturday marked the end to Davis first basketball season. He learned a lot, had a lot of fun and made many smile! He took his sweetness to the court and used a hug defense that was adorable yet so frustrating. He was so worried about others making a basket he never attempted a shot but got too many assists to count. He was able to handle the ball, but sometimes he enjoyed passing it to the other team..oops!

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These two were two cute cheerleaders, although they spent much of the game eating, playing and not doing a whole lot of watching the actual game! HA!

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The sidelines got a little silly…

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But they had lots of fun when they were on the court and in the moment…

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Again, these two did lots of things other than watching the GAME!

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The girls and boys on Davis team had the best coaches around..Mr. Michael and Mr. Walker. Coaching Kindergarteners can wear you out! HA!

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Emmy getting some attention off the court…

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In between quarters I snuck a couple of pictures…

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Davis had a favorite part of the game…telling everyone good game!

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The dynamic duo..coaches and friends!

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We ended the season with a trip to Sparky’s, for fun, pizza, trophies and more fun….

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Davis adores Mr. Michael and says he loves being on his team!

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Boys will be boys!

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