Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Davis loses his first tooth

Yesterday started like a normal Monday, Davis got up and went to school and I picked him up at the end of the day. After school we splurged on some yummy ice-cream and came home did homework and begin playing..COMPLETELY NORMAL, until I noticed Davis’s tooth being VERY loose. He told me he had been wiggling it all day and he thought is was ready to come out. I attempted several times to remove it, but this momma could not do it. We waited for daddy to get home and he attempted several times as well, D was convinced tonight was the night and it would come out. I went back to cooking dinner and the next thing I know d is running to the kitchen to say, “you are going to be so proud, look!” He smiled at me with one less tooth and showed me the lovely blood stained tooth with such boldness. Tonight was the night….





By supper time….





He was so proud of pulling his very first tooth and we talked, read and talked some more about teeth. To say he was excited is an understatement!

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