Friday, April 3, 2015

Davis is 6

To my precious six year old.

I put you to bed tonight a five year old and I know that at 11:45 tomorrow you will be a BIG six year old. You have had such a huge year. You are over half way through kindergarten, you can read, add, subtract, spell, and recite most any procedure you do throughout your day. You were the first one in your class on pink (the best behavior color), the first student of the month, self proclaimed father of your class. These accomplishments are amazing and we are so proud of how much you have progressed but our favorite quality about you is your BIG OLE heart! You are the most tender hearted old soul I have ever met and that smile of yours coupled with your sweetness is almost too much! You care about others, love others, and want the best for others. Whether it is all on court playing ball when you never attempted a shot because you wanted the assist and the thrill of letting someone else make a shot, to making sure everyone feels loved, wanted and needed in your class, to crying when your friends mess up. Sweet boy we are so proud of you and could not be happier of the boy you are becoming. You and your sister could not be closer and love each other anymore than you do. Don't get me wrong you two can fuss and fight with the best of them but you two exude much more love than anything else. You two are able to comfort each other in way that no one else is capable of, you can make her giggle faster and louder than anyone else and she is and always will be your biggest fan. My prayer for your sixth year is that you continue down the path of love and seeking God in all you do. If you exemplify HIS love in all you do than you will have a successful year. I know you are a smart guy and you will continue to make many accomplishments and trust me we will be there cheering you on all the way, but please always put HIM first, love him and your success will be immeasurable.

When you were born 3/31/09


One year 3/31/10


Two Years old 3/31/11

23mo 033
Three years old 3/31/12


Four years old 3/31/13

bday 007

Five years old 3/31/14

d bday 006

Six years old 3/31/15


In a blink of an eye my sweet baby has grown into such a handsome young boy!

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