Monday, August 17, 2015


The last week with granny’s funeral has made life a little crazy so here is our rewind button…

Emmy is getting much braver in the water. She still hates going under, but she loves to walk around and use her board! We shall see how much more progress she makes before the end of summer!

Davis had his first football practice last week…this should be interesting!!!


My most favorite picture at the funeral…baby girl is exhausted and falls asleep in her daddy’s arms!


WE are back to gymnastics on Tuesdays and our best buddy Tinley is back too! The photo shoot before class was hysterical, seriously who teaches them these moves?


Park anyone? The park being right next to the gym where I work out every am  is pretty convenient for this chick! We frequent it a lot and she is pretty impressed with all this mommy time she is getting!


Davis had his first skating party Sunday and I took him while daddy and Emmy napped. He didn’t win the best skater award (there wasn’t one!) but he did win a race he was in and he got this awesome Dr. Pepper popsicle! He sure loved seeing all of his buddies from Kindergarten as well!





Thursday, August 13, 2015

Celebrating the Life of Doris Poston

I couldn’t do this post without including some recent pictures of my kiddos with granny. This was their last living great grandparent on either side and they have both had some tough moments regarding granny’s death. Some of them have been turned into funnies, but others have just plum broken my heart. Understanding death at such a young age is difficult especially, and watching your kids attempt to understand can be unsettling. I have an amazing spouse who has helped when I didn’t have the words and given hugs when I felt helpless. Praising God for him and the many others who have reached out to my family during this difficult time. Our last two visits with granny…



The BEST part of this entire situation was seeing two of my most favorite people. No one was sure if they would make it or not but they did and EVERYONE enjoyed their hugs and conversation. Stephanie, had just lost her grandmother about a month ago and I was overjoyed she was able to mourn with Jarrett and come to Kentucky.

Not sure if you can tell but this little miss LOVES her uncle Jarrett and just hearing her say his name makes me smile!

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Stephanie has got to be right there with him and they often challenge each other on who is the favorite..YOU both are!!!

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The kids made this celebration so fun and it was just amazing to see each of them play as we used to growing up. Emmy enjoyed her “old granny/Mary costume”!

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We literally took OVER the hotel lobby…such fun memories! Granny would be so proud!

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Mack found his Pops and didn’t let go!!!

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I mean just look at those smiles..pardon mack, he was not having it in the group shot!

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But, you can tell he loves his cousin DAVIS!

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These two will always be my bread, my cookies, you know I enjoy being their middle!

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Funeral day was August 12, 2015 and again the kids united together and played literally all day.

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Grandkids & great grandkids…

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Great grandkids…

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More playing…

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My heart was so full on this day, I not only celebrated the life of granny but many awesome people took time out of their days to visit with us and these two were some of my favorites! They were not only my ring bearers in my wedding but the reason I had money in the summers, the reason I know how to play with kids and the reason my heart is so full because they loved me like a family member! The hardest thing for a momma is to leave her kids and trust another soul to care for them and I was entrusted with these boys till the summer I married Walker..what a privilege and a joy! Reminiscing with them was priceless and I hope they both know to this day they will always hold a special place in my heart!

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a few comparison shots

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We snuck Jarrett and Stephanie out and got a couple quick pics…

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I’m sorry but are these two not some of the most handsome men you have EVER seen???

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I love my bubba and think the world of him…he may live FAR away but I know I can always call him and he will be there for me!

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My momma, the one I can make laugh, cry and mad quicker than anyone else! She knows me at my weakest and my strongest and loves me no matter what!

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Blessed to have a mother in law that not only sends the most gorgeous flowers to the funeral but shows up so she can hug my neck and sit for a minute before having to hit the road. She loves me!

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I am privileged to have the worlds coolest, funniest, and unpredictable daughter! I mean who is rocking their funeral gear…this girl!!!

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Flowers sent by Jarrett's adorable in-laws and the grave marker for grandpa and now granny.

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Everyone wanted a flower and there were plenty to go around…

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Seriously the most photogenic couple!! I mean look at them! GORGEOUS!!

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If these three aren’t the coolest I am not sure who is..Cousins for life!

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My precious mom and dad, aka Mia and Pops. The ones loved by so many!

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My family, my world and the reason I smile!

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Laura, Nick and Mack Walker

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We still have our flowers momma…

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I’m not sure why I got so lucky. These two make me smile and keep me humble!

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Where there is kids, there is fun…they found a frog at the burial site and it occupied them FOREVER!!

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We had a beautiful two days together celebrating the life of granny and the last of their generation. It feels a little odd and I’m not sure I have wrapped my head around it all yet, but I am comforted because I too know this world is not my home!