Monday, August 17, 2015


The last week with granny’s funeral has made life a little crazy so here is our rewind button…

Emmy is getting much braver in the water. She still hates going under, but she loves to walk around and use her board! We shall see how much more progress she makes before the end of summer!

Davis had his first football practice last week…this should be interesting!!!


My most favorite picture at the funeral…baby girl is exhausted and falls asleep in her daddy’s arms!


WE are back to gymnastics on Tuesdays and our best buddy Tinley is back too! The photo shoot before class was hysterical, seriously who teaches them these moves?


Park anyone? The park being right next to the gym where I work out every am  is pretty convenient for this chick! We frequent it a lot and she is pretty impressed with all this mommy time she is getting!


Davis had his first skating party Sunday and I took him while daddy and Emmy napped. He didn’t win the best skater award (there wasn’t one!) but he did win a race he was in and he got this awesome Dr. Pepper popsicle! He sure loved seeing all of his buddies from Kindergarten as well!





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