Thursday, August 6, 2015

It’s raining and I need to go splash in some puddles!

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Emerson learned that her brother used to splash in puddles in the middle of our neighborhood and since acquiring a new big girl rain jacket and still rocking her rain boots she decided since it was raining we MUST head outside and find the puddles. Isn’t it funny how different kids are, Emmy noticed the smallest puddles and enjoyed them more than the HUGE ones. D was quite the opposite at her age. The bigger the better was his motto. As I held her hand and trudged through the puddles and muck I was reminded these are the moments I must never forget! A blog post for me as her mommy, using her words…

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 ”Mommy Yook another tiny puddle!”

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Isn’t that so awesome mommy?

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Look mommy, I’m getting wet!

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“Mommy I need you to get wet too, and Davis!” 

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“Let’s fish mommy!” (may I never forget her imagination!)

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Are you having fun mommy?My hands are yucky!

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Come with me mommy!

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Sweet girl removed her boots to go in and decided the water from daddy's truck must be stepped in as well…no boots required!

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Soaking up every minute with this sweet girl! I’ll blink and she will be in school!

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I pray these boots bring many more memories and many more puddles!

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I pray I am giving her the BEST footprints to follow!

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