Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Post 1st grade

Emerson and I picked D up after his half day and surprised him with lunch at Papa’s Pizza…do you think he was happy?


During Emmy’s nap I usually get chores and such done, but when my big 6 year old asks me to lay down with him and watch a movie..I dropped it all!


While D is away this year I am starting Emmy on our at home preschool. I refuse to give one more of my years with my babies up so I home preschool them when they are 3. D and I loved learning together and I am excited about the possibilities with Emmy! Every day we have done an A craft or worksheet and today we went on a scavenger hunt for things beginning with the letter A. She even wrote a lower case a all by herself! Love seeing the light bulb turn on, it is so fascinating to watch!


She sure loves showing off her work to her big brother and daddy when they get home…


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