Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trick or trunk

Cinderella had a busy afternoon getting ready for her special day all dressed up…She kept looking in the mirror in amazement of how awesome being Cinderella for the day was going to be.

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Heading into Trick or Trunk at the Methodist Church to see our buddies Tinley and Jackson

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We are so glad Mia got to come with us. She makes our heart so happy!

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Look at those was if she was at Disney again! She loved looking at everyone's costume and would talk to them as though they were the actual character they were wearing!

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Sweet girls, buddies by brothers!

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Playing all the games and getting candy was so much fun!

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Jackson and men..enough said.

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So glad Mia was able to come an visit and trick or trunk with us. We sure love making memories with our Mia.

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I sure love my handsome army man.

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Family photo…

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mommy and her Cinderella

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I love you army man, thanks for protecting me!

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Trick or treating…

Meet Cinderella in all her glory. This girl LOVES being royalty and she will look up at you when she is wearing this dress with looks that say, “Do you see who I am?” She and “cindy” as she calls her talk almost every day and she wears her gown and accessories as often as she can wear them. It was Emerson’s honor to be Miss Cinderella, glass slippers and all tonight!

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This is my little army man. Too busy saving us from the bad guys for pictures!

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Heading to the neighborhood bash!

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Some of the sweet neighborhood kids!

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Trick or treat!

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All the princesses in the neighborhood riding in style!

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Walker was lucky enough to walk two princesses up the steep hill to get candy!

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Mrs. Glenda and Mr. Frank

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Mrs. Jill’s house

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Well doesn’t she just look comfortable..these princesses are HEAVY!!

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Our gang of trick or treaters…

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The neighborhood kiddos…

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