Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Trunk or Treat at Skyline

Not sure how I blinked and it was the end of October but here we go…Tonight we trunk or treated at Skyline with Jake and Izzy. The kiddos have way too many costumes but they amused me tonight and dressed in unison. Davis has already informed me he will not match his sister again! HA!

Emmy and her buddy Lila otherwise known as princess Lila

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Emmy and Sophia aka Jazilyn

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Jack and Davis

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My favorite of the night Emmy with her buddy Jude!

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We tried for another awesome group picture but it was definitely a BUST this year!! Oh well!

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Sweet Jazz was not into all the fuss and Emmy was having a bit too much fun!

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Anna otherwise known as Aubry and Emmy

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Another attempt at a group shot…..BUST!

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Family shot!!!

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