Sunday, October 4, 2015

Here comes fall ya’ll…pumpkins, football and mia and Pops make it so much more fun!

We spent our chilly Saturday morning at the Pumpkin patch. It sure was cold but we picked some awesome pumpkins and got some warm hot chocolate afterwards so it was worth it!

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Looking for that perfect pumpkin…

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D insisted he needed his own picture with Mr. Pumpkin…

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and Emreson graciouskly decided he could be in hers as well!

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still searching…

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found it…ugh too big!

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Someone was over the pumpkin search!

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Our two silly pumpkins posing for their picture loving momma!

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Scarecrow lady gave them suckers…hmm, the rest of the pictures you will see a white stick hanging out of their mouth….UGH!

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Emmy thought they should be friends and she even kissed and hugged this pumpkin girl bye bye! HA!

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Mr. silly found some pumpkin eyes!

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Next up BEARS football…So I’m not so good at all this action and being so far away from my subjects…Oh well, at least we have some pictures.

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His very cold and supportive cheerleader!

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Before Mia and Pops left Sunday we grabbed the camera and took a couple of shots. Do you know how blessed you are to have your family? I sure do. These last two weeks have been horrible but my family has stuck together and taking care of each other. Take advantage of EVERY day you have together!

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