Friday, June 25, 2010

what what- 15 MONTHS

Oh my goodness Davis is 15 months old! (on wednesday) He is keeping me and his daddy on our toes and we are enjoying this ride we call parenthood. He does more and more daily and I will hopefully try and list all of his accomplishments to date.
He says all kinds of words, most need interpretation but who cares!
verbalizes: dad/dy, Da (davis), uice- juice, ou- out, hat, hot, hi, hey, off, on, mo-elmo, du -duck, qa-quack
signs: more, please, baby (the sweetest sign you ever did see), milk, eat, drink, all done, thank you (his own personally made up sign-smart boy!!)

His comprehension skills are amazing (if i do say so myself): can do pretty much any command you give him, for example raise your hand if your name is Davis WAlker, or go get your blankie
he can point to objects when you read books-where's the cow-what does it say, etc
he knows where all the parts of his face are, including others faces (where's mommy's eyes, where's D's eyes) he especially loves to point out his bf's eyes cole! Sorry about that little buddy! he can even do his belly, belly button, feet, shoulders and knees (he loves head and shoulders knees and toes!!)
he will be in his first ever wedding at 15 months and we are so excited to see him all dressed up for Lala's wedding ( laura not to be confused with our other lala-lane!)
he can feed himself pretty much anything and wouldn't have it any other way-VERY INDEPENDANT, he also prefers to eat what you are eating, never mind that he just ate or he has his own, he wants yours! A trait from his momma the perpetal sharer!!
he LOVES water and is not scared to get splashed or get in cold or hot water, not a baby who cares about water on his face and I love that! he especially loves the pool with his daddy and the zoo when it is not crowded so he can do his own thing at the splash park
he has a new found obsession for anything with a steering wheel and wants to drive everthing- he also has a fantastic sound that accompanies it!
he can swing a baseball bat and can even hit a ball of a t-ball stand
he HATEs the nursery at church but with the help of some most wonderful ladies he will come to love it-a momma's prayer anyway
he loves other kids and loves telling them hey and loving on them, he is very offended when they don't offer the same love back! we are teaching him to share and not to take things away from others but this task is a bountiful one
he is the most inquisitive boy i have ever seen-he climbs, opens, touches, picks at everything. things can occupy his time for ever if it opens, shuts, moves, etc
overall he is perfect for me, God knew what he was doing when he gave me DW. I could stare and watch him for hours.

the last two weeks

wow all i hear is silence and the occasional lyric of Davis' lullabyes. for the last two weeks we have had company and it has not only been helpful so i was able to help a girl at work go on vacation but it was nice to see D interact with his grammie and aunt lala; however, i am enjoying the silence. i seemed to have picked up the cold aunt lala was battling and now i am feeling pretty worthless. nevertheless i am mommy so nothing stops me from playing cars, watching elmo or reading books. D is growing and changing so much everyday. i swear something about time changes when you have kids. it seems so long ago that d came into our lives; however, i still remember our first night at home togather when i was convinced he would not sleep in his room.
as i mentioned before D hung out with his grammie last week so i could work a little and man did he loved grammie time. she spoiled him rotten and they had a blast. of course mommy couldn't stand being away so she only worked about 5 hours a day and then came home to see her little man. grammie would fill her in on all the cute things he had done that morning and i realized real quick why i was a sahm. i HATE missing out on memories with D. the paycheck will be nice but money seems to be gone before we get it and memories well they last forever. it was great for d to get some one on one with grammie but i am sorry i couldn't do it full time!
aunt lala came this week and although i didn't work we made lots of memories at the zoo, mall and pool. d loves attention and lala didn't hesitate to give it to him. she got to see his temper, and his love for prayer. one of his favorite things was waking lala up. she would pretend to be asleep and he would wake her up. sometimes she got a sweet kiss, hug and snuggle, other times he woke her by screaming wake up wake up (in his own D voice that is!). she also helped us decifer d's way of saying thank you-which is by far the cutest thank you i have ever seen- he lays his head down on his shoulder and smiles with his melt your heart smile.
sharing my little man with lala and grammie has been bundles of laughs and i sure enjoyed the company. now i just gotta kick this cold and get back to chasing d all by myself. i have enjoyed it ladies, come back anytime! love you both!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Davis loves ELMO

It had been awhile since we had played Davis' elmo video and boy was he glad to watch it. He loves to dance and talk to all his furry friends!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mr. Bubbles

Aunt Lala came to visit so we spent the evening on the deck playing with bubbles. Davis loved catching them and blowing them. Mommy loved watching her little man enjoy the bubbles so she tried to capture his fun on camera.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Doctor DavIs

We went yard saling a little this am and found a doctor kit for D. Let's just say it was the best dollar I spent in a while. He loved playing doctor, especially getting beeps on his pager and giving daddy shots to make him say "ouch." Davis has not really enjoyed the doctor since all of his ear issues and my parenting magazine mentioned getting a dr. kit to help orient them to the different tools dr's use, so when I saw it at the yard sale it was a must.So far he is digging the kit and maybe, just maybe he will enjoy the doctor next month. Oh yeah and Dr. Murray you better watch out Davis thinks this doctor stuff is a piece of cake! COMPETITION! HAHA!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


God sure uses everyone to humble his children. I knew very quickly he would use Davis to humble me, but was not aware he would use him so early. This afternoon we were sitting down to eat lunch and I took my first bite and Davis held his hand out and looked at me. You see we have been teaching him to pray and we hold hands and bow ouir heads. He was waiting on his momma to pray. After my prayer, he let go of my hand and instead of eating he reached out again and bowed his head and said his prayer (klashdfsajkfhdjksah) and raised his head (amen). He then continued to pray for every bite before placing it in his mouth. I sure was proud! Thanks baby D for showing mommy it's ALWAYS time to pray and be thankful!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Too Funny

So I knew having Davis in my life would create funny stories, so I hope I can retell these and make you laugh as I did.
First, D was playing outside and exploring the air pump we had recently used to blow up our bike tires. He was pumping and the air was shooting out and making a noise and D found that pretty amusing. The speech path in me decided to tell him what it was so I was saying "air" over and over so he would imitate me. Instead when you heard my country accent saying air he reached up and grabbed his ear and said ear, with a very funny look on his face. I laughed and said no buddy "ear" trying really hard to say it without my accent and then he reached up and grabbed his hair, again with a very funny look on his face. After laughing I got down on his level grabbed the tube where the air was coming out and said look buddy it blows air out. He just looked at me and ran to his fishing pole-poor guy was so confused! Haha!
As I was laying D down for his nap we were reading some of his favorite books and we got to a page with different colors. I named the colors and D always goes back through and points to objects in the color groups and says "whdis" (what's this) so I was naming the items and we got to yellow which had a corn on the cob in it and he pulled the book to him and started pretending to eat it like his daddy. You see just the other night we grilled out and had grilled some corn on the cob and his daddy was very dramtic about how he was eating it (he called himself the typewriter) and D remembered his daddy being so silly and decided he would mimick him. It was very cute and funny. Those are the times you wish you had a camcorder on you at every second.
Just thought I would share little pieces of Davis with you today!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Whew! What a weekend! We had so much fun with our Murray buddies this weekend. The kids were excellent and of course catching up with Lacy and Em was the best. It was so neat getting to see our kiddos hang out with one another. They loved each other so much and it made me sad we all don't live closer together. Oh and before I forget I want to clue you in on the title of this post-that is the name of our "place" in an ideal world. We made it up when we were all kidless and in our younger days. It is all of our last names combined. At this place the men would work to support us and the girls would hang out with the babies and chill! It sounds perfect, but unfortunately won't ever happen! Oh well it feels good to dream!
Any who, the weekend was perfect filled with great food, many laughs (mostly during Brian's wonderful stories of Em's family!) and lots of hugs and kisses between kiddos! I love that they are all so friendly and love to share sweet kisses and hugs! We can't wait to do it again and I can only imagine how different our group will be with even more kiddos! Sunday was great too, because we were able to briefly visit (in between class and workship and worship and arriving) with some of our buddies from Glendale. I miss them all so much and wish we were able to visit more often. WE had a wonderful trip and I will conclude with some of my fav pics from the weekend!