Friday, June 25, 2010

what what- 15 MONTHS

Oh my goodness Davis is 15 months old! (on wednesday) He is keeping me and his daddy on our toes and we are enjoying this ride we call parenthood. He does more and more daily and I will hopefully try and list all of his accomplishments to date.
He says all kinds of words, most need interpretation but who cares!
verbalizes: dad/dy, Da (davis), uice- juice, ou- out, hat, hot, hi, hey, off, on, mo-elmo, du -duck, qa-quack
signs: more, please, baby (the sweetest sign you ever did see), milk, eat, drink, all done, thank you (his own personally made up sign-smart boy!!)

His comprehension skills are amazing (if i do say so myself): can do pretty much any command you give him, for example raise your hand if your name is Davis WAlker, or go get your blankie
he can point to objects when you read books-where's the cow-what does it say, etc
he knows where all the parts of his face are, including others faces (where's mommy's eyes, where's D's eyes) he especially loves to point out his bf's eyes cole! Sorry about that little buddy! he can even do his belly, belly button, feet, shoulders and knees (he loves head and shoulders knees and toes!!)
he will be in his first ever wedding at 15 months and we are so excited to see him all dressed up for Lala's wedding ( laura not to be confused with our other lala-lane!)
he can feed himself pretty much anything and wouldn't have it any other way-VERY INDEPENDANT, he also prefers to eat what you are eating, never mind that he just ate or he has his own, he wants yours! A trait from his momma the perpetal sharer!!
he LOVES water and is not scared to get splashed or get in cold or hot water, not a baby who cares about water on his face and I love that! he especially loves the pool with his daddy and the zoo when it is not crowded so he can do his own thing at the splash park
he has a new found obsession for anything with a steering wheel and wants to drive everthing- he also has a fantastic sound that accompanies it!
he can swing a baseball bat and can even hit a ball of a t-ball stand
he HATEs the nursery at church but with the help of some most wonderful ladies he will come to love it-a momma's prayer anyway
he loves other kids and loves telling them hey and loving on them, he is very offended when they don't offer the same love back! we are teaching him to share and not to take things away from others but this task is a bountiful one
he is the most inquisitive boy i have ever seen-he climbs, opens, touches, picks at everything. things can occupy his time for ever if it opens, shuts, moves, etc
overall he is perfect for me, God knew what he was doing when he gave me DW. I could stare and watch him for hours.

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